Current Mobile Application Developers Vacancy in Kathmandu

Mobile Technology is rapidly growing technology. Current Mobile Application Developers Vacancy in Kathmandu. If you want to apply for Mobile application developer, then you send respective company.

Job Title Company Type Deadline
iOS / Android Developers E Signature Pvt. Ltd. Full Time 20 Feb, 2014
iOS and Android Developer(s) A.M. Nepal Full Time 16 Feb, 2014
Senior Mobile App Developer  Percoid IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Full Time 16 Feb, 2014
Mobile App Developer  F1Soft International Pvt Ltd. Full Time 18, Feb, 2014
Android Developers  Golchha Organization Full Time 2 Feb, 2014
iOS Developer Golchha Organization Full Time 2 Feb, 2014
IPHONE APPS DEVELOPER     ebPearls Pvt. Ltd Full Time 8 Feb, 2014
Mobile App Designer Design Offshore Full Time 5 Feb, 2014
Mobile Application Programmer Black Box Animation and VFX Academy Full Time 13 Feb, 2014
Mobile Developer EyeWeb Sys Full Time 18 Feb, 2014
Senior iPhone/iPad Developer  ZurelSoft Nepal Pvt.Ltd Full Time 13 Feb, 2014
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How to get feed in Blogspot or Bloggers


A site feed is a machine-readable representation of your blog. Do you want to know how to find or get the your blogger feed.

Full site feed:

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Comments-only feed:
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Individual post comment feed:

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Note: You can find the postId of an individual post from the Posting | Edit Posts tab. Simply mouseover the 'Edit' link next to a particular post, and that postId will be displayed in your browser's status bar.
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नेपालको इन्जिनियरिङ शिक्षाको बिजोग

 Er. Yadav Bhattarai
President Worldwide Nepalese Students' Organisation (WNSO) 

जानकारहरुका अनुसार नेपालको अहिलेको इन्जिनीयरीङ शिक्षा क्षेत्र अत्यन्तै नाजुक अवस्थाबाट गुज्रीरहेको छ । नेपाली निजी इन्जिनियरिङ शैक्षिक संस्थाहरुको अवस्था, कलेज तथा विश्वविद्यालयहरुको प्रवेश परिक्षा र विद्यार्थी भर्ना गर्ने परिपार्टी तथा अध्ययन सकेका इन्जिनियरहरुको हालत हेर्दा यो कुरा धेरै हदसम्म सत्य देखिन्छ । अत्यन्तै सम्मानित र सबैको भरोसाको केन्द्र रहेको त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालयको इन्जिनियरिङ अध्ययन संस्थानको समेत प्रवेश परिक्षा अगावै प्रश्नपत्र बाहिरिएको समाचारले यस कुरालाई थप पुष्टि गर्दछ ।
नेपालका कतिपय निजी शैक्षिक संस्थाहरुले इन्जिनियरिङ कार्यक्रम सञ्चालन गर्न चाहिने सम्पूर्ण भौतिक पूर्वाधारहरु नभईकन पनि विश्वविद्यालयहरुबाट सम्बन्धन प्राप्त गर्ने गरेका छन् । यथेष्ट भौतिक पूर्वाधार नभएका शैक्षिक संस्थाहरुले प्राविधिक विषयमा दक्ष जनशक्ति उत्पादन गर्न सक्दैनन् । समग्र इन्जिनियरिङ शिक्षा जगतको अनुगमन गर्न स्थापित नेपाल इन्जिनियरिङ काउन्सिलले समेत मापदण्ड पुरा नगरेका शैक्षिक संस्थाहरुलाई पनि इन्जिनियरिङ विषयमा कार्यक्रम सञ्चालन गर्न अनुमति दिएको आरोप लाग्ने गरेको छ । नेपाल इन्जिनियरिङ काउन्सिलले भने इन्जिनियरिङ शिक्षण संस्थालाई मान्यता प्रदान गर्ने विनियमावली, २०६६ मा उल्लेखित मापदण्ड पुरा नगरेका कलेजहरुलाई अनुमति नदिएको तर कतिपय कलेजहरुले नै पूर्ण स्विकृत लिएर कार्यक्रम सञ्चालन गर्नुपर्नेमा कार्यक्रम संचालन गरेपछि मात्र स्विकृतिको लागि आवेदन दिने गरेकाले यस्ता समाचारहरु बाहिर आएको दाबी गर्छ ।
हाम्रा विश्वविद्यालयहरुको फितलो प्रवेश परिक्षा प्रणालीले गर्दा रहरको भरमा इन्जिनियरिङ पढ्नेहरुको सङ्ख्यामा समेत उल्लेख्य बृद्धि भएको छ । निजी शैक्षिक संस्थाहरुको मोटो आम्दानीको स्रोत विद्यार्थीहरु भएकाले विद्यार्थीहरुको शैक्षिक पृष्ठभूमि, क्षमता र रुची नबुझिकन लहडको भरमा विद्यार्थीहरु भर्ना लिने गरिएको छ । यस्तो प्रवृत्तिले एकातिर सक्षम र क्षमतावान विद्यार्थीहरु भन्दा पैसावालाहरु मात्र इन्जिनीयरीङ क्षेत्रप्रति बढि आकर्षित भएका छन् भने अर्कोतर्फ इन्जिनियरिङ शिक्षा क्षेत्रमा भएको ब्यापारीकरण र छात्रबृत्तिका कम अवसरले इन्जिनियरिङ शिक्षा सर्वसाधारण नेपालीहरुको पहुँच भन्दा बाहिर गएको छ । इन्जिनियरिङ सङ्कायमा स्नाकोत्तरदेखि विद्यावारिधीसम्मका कार्यक्रमहरु समेत नेपालमै सञ्चालन हुनुले पुँजी विदेश पलायन हुनबाट रोकिए पनि नेपालको इन्जिनियरिङ अध्ययन अध्यापन प्रक्रिया अझै परम्परागत शिक्षा प्रणालीमा आधारित भएकाले समयको आवश्यकता पूरा गर्ने खालको विश्वस्तरीय दक्ष जनशक्तिहरु नेपालमा उत्पादन हुन सकेका छैनन् ।
शैक्षिक संस्थाहरुमा हुने तीब्र विद्यार्थी राजनितीकरणले पनि इन्जिनियरीङ शिक्षाको गुणस्तर खस्काउन भूमिका खेलेको छ । राजनितिक दलहरुले गर्ने आन्दोलनमा विद्यार्थीहरु परीचालित गर्ने, आफ्ना मुद्धाहरु लागु गर्न कलेज तथा विश्वविद्यालयहरुमा तालाबन्दी गरी पठनपाठन अबरुद्ध पार्ने जस्ता कार्यले शिक्षाको गुणस्तर खस्काइरहेको छ । ब्यावसायिक र ब्यावहारिक शिक्षालाई भाषणको मसला बनाउदै शैक्षिक जगतलाई शान्ति क्षेत्र घोषणा गर्ने राजनीतिक दलहरुबाटै शिक्षा क्षेत्र सबैभन्दा बढि प्रताडित छ । राजनितीक भागबन्डाका आधारमा नियुक्त भएका कतिपय पदाधीकारीहरु सक्षम र योग्य नभएकाले यसको असर समग्र नेपाली इन्जिनियरीङ जगतले भोगिरहनु परेको छ ।
विश्वविद्यालयहरु तथा नेपाल इन्जिनियरिङ काउन्सिलले आवश्यकता अनुसार अनुगमन गरी मापदण्ड मिचेका शैक्षिक संस्थाहरुलाई उचित कारवाही गर्न नसक्नु गुणस्तर खस्किनुको एउटा अर्को कारण हो । केही अगाडि अनुमति प्राप्त भन्दा बढि विद्यार्थीहरु भर्ना गरेको र पूर्ण रुपमा पूर्वाधार तयार नपारेको भन्दै केही इन्जिनीयरीङ कलेजहरुको सम्बन्धन काउन्सिलद्धारा खारेज गरिएको समाचार आएको थियो । तर त्यो मुद्दा कसरी टुङगो लाग्यो भन्ने कुरा रहस्यमय छ । सरोकारवालाहरु यस विषयमा केही कुरा गर्न नचाहनु र काउन्सिलले पनि भर्नाको वेलामा मात्र अनुगमनको नाममा कलेजहरुलाई तर्साउनुले सबै पक्ष गम्भीर नभएको सङ्केत गर्दछ ।
नेपाल इन्जिनियरीङ परीषद् ऐन २०५५ अनुसार नेपाली तथा नेपालमा कार्यरत विदेशी इन्जिनियरहरुले सरकारी, अर्धसरकारी, निजी क्षेत्र, गैरसरकारी संस्था, दुई पक्षिय वा बहुपक्षिय संस्था र कन्सलटेन्सीमा काम गर्नुभन्दा अगाडि नेपाल इन्जिनियरिङ काउन्सिलमा अनिवार्य दर्ता हुनु पर्दछ । काउन्सिलमा दर्ता नभइकन इन्जिनियरिङ पेशामा आबद्ध भएमा तीन महिनासम्मको जेल वा तीन हजार रुपैयाँसम्मको जरीवाना अथवा दुबै सजाँय हुनसक्ने ब्यवस्था ऐनमा छ । नेपाल इन्जिनियरिङ काउन्सिलका अनुसार हालसम्म करिब २० हजार इन्जिनीयरहरु काउन्सिलमा दर्ता भएका छन् । बर्षेनी करिब पाँच हजार इन्जिनियरहरु देशभित्रै उत्पादन भैरहेको अवस्थामा नेपालमा इन्जिनीयरहरुको सङ्ख्या काउन्सिलमा दर्ता भएका भन्दा निकै बढि भएको अनुमान गरिएको छ । सबै इन्जिनियरहरुलाई अनिवार्य दर्ता समेत गराउन नसक्ने काउन्सिलले समग्र इन्जिनियरिङ क्षेत्रको अनुगमन गर्छ भन्ने कुरालाई सङ्काको घेरामा हालिदिएको छ । नेपाल इन्जिनियरिङ काउन्सिलद्धारा स्वीकृत नलिई इन्जनीयरीङ कार्यक्रम सञ्चालन गरिएका कलेज तथा विश्वविद्यालयका विद्यार्थीहरुले अध्ययन सकेपछि काउन्सिलको प्रमाणपत्र नपाउने र इन्जिनियरको रुपमा दर्ता नहुने भन्ने कुरालाई काउन्सिलले आम विद्यार्थी जगत समक्ष पुर्याउन सकेको छैन ।
इन्जिनियरिङ शिक्षामा गुणस्तर खस्किएर समग्र इन्जिनियरिङ क्षेत्र नै प्रभावित भैरहेको हालको अवस्थालाई उचित सम्बोधन गर्नुपर्ने बेलामा नेपाल सरकार भने अध्यादेश मार्फत निजामति सेवा ऐन २०४९ दफा घ (१) मा रहेको बढुवा सम्बन्धी प्रावधान शंसोधन गरी गैर इन्जिनिरहरुलाई समेत कार्यदक्षताको आधारमा इन्जिनियर उपाधि दिने अनुचित निर्णय गरेको छ । इन्जिनियरिङ परिषद ऐन २०५५ ले 'काउन्सिलबाट मान्यताप्राप्त शैक्षिक संस्थाबाट इन्जिनियरिङ विषयमा कम्तिमा स्नातक तह उत्तिर्ण गरेको ब्यक्तिलाई इन्जिनियर भनि परिभाषित गरेको छ ।' यसबेला इन्जिनियरिङ परिषद ऐन २०५५ संग नबाझिनेगरी मात्र निजामति ऐन २०४९ मा प्रावधान राख्नुपर्ने माग समग्र नेपाली इन्जिनियर जगतमा उठेको छ । ४ वर्षे कोर्ष पुरा नगरीकन इन्जिनियरको उपाधि दिने सरकारी निर्णयले इन्जिनियरहरुको अवमूल्यन गरेका छ ।
नेपाल इन्जिनियरिङ काउन्सिलले हस्तक्षेपकारी भूमिका ननिभाउने हो भने नेपाली इन्जिनियरीङ शिक्षाको गुणस्तर अँझ खस्किने निश्चित छ । विश्वविद्यालयहरुले पनि मापदण्ड पुरा नगरेका शैक्षिक संस्थाहरुलाई सम्बन्धन दिन तत्काल रोक्नु पर्दछ । विश्वविद्यालय र काउन्सिलले नियमित अनुगमन प्रक्रियालाई बढाई अनियमितता गर्नेहरुलाई जागरुकताका साथ कारवाही गर्नु पर्दछ । नेपालमा भ्रष्टाचार र कमिसनका कारण इन्जिनीयरीङ क्षेत्रमा गुणस्तरहिन काम हुन्छन् भन्ने आम बुझाई छ । तर गुणस्तरहिन काम हुनुमा दक्ष र योग्य प्राविधिक नहुनु पनि अर्को महत्वपूर्ण कारण हो ।
इन्जिनियरिङ काउन्सिलले नाम दर्तामा मात्र आफ्नो भूमिका सीमित नगराई इन्जिनियरिङ शिक्षा अनुगमनमा कडाई गर्ने र इन्जिनियरको दर्ता प्रक्रियामा अनिवार्य परिक्षा प्रणाली अवलम्बन गर्नु नै इन्जिनियरिङ क्षेत्रको साख जोगाउने अहिलेको सर्वोत्तम विकल्प हुन सक्दछ । इन्जिनियरिङ कार्यक्रम सञ्चालन गर्ने कलेज तथा विश्वविद्यालयहरुका पाठ्यक्रममा नै इन्जिनियरिङ विद्यार्थीहरुले कम्तिमा ३ महिना इन्टर्नसिप गर्नुपर्ने ब्यवस्था गरिनु समेत आवश्यक देखिन्छ ।

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Vacancy for the Position of Research Assistant
Department of Civil and Geomatics Engineering has received a grant from International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) for a year (2013-2014) for conducting project entitled “Strengthening Geospatial Infrastructure and Research Capacity at Kathmandu University”. The activities involve research support for students, geospatial application development and advanced remote sensing research. To support and smoothly conduct research activities, the Department calls application from enthusiastic and committed candidates for the position a Research Assistant.
Number of positions: One

  • ·         Develop geospatial web and mobile applications
  • ·         Conduct performance and scalability tests
  • ·         Application documentation
  • ·         Assist team leader in conducting remote sensing research activities
  • ·         Any other responsibilities assigned by team leader 
The candidate should have at least a Bachelor degree in Geomatics Engineering. In addition, the candidate must have good communication skills both in English and Nepali.
Skills and attributes required:
  • ·         Proven experience in developing geospatial web applications in PHP, together with an excellent knowledge of PostgreSQL/  PostGIS. Other languages such as Java, Python or ASP will be considered.
  • ·         Knowledge of Android/ IOS Programming development essential. Needs to have a creative approach to designing applications.
  • ·         Experience of OGCand W3C web standards is critical.
  • ·         Ability to organize own workload effectively and prioritize tasks.
  • ·         Proven knowledge in different remote sensing softwares like ENVI, ILWIS.
  • ·         Ability to work closely and communicate effectively with colleagues at all levels.
  • ·         Ability to prepare project proposals, progress reports, and others for submission to sponsors.
Appointment Term: February 2014 –July 2014 with possibility of extension for another six months
How to apply:
Interested candidates are requested to send their CVs (not more than 2 pages) with letter of interest explaining their competence to undertake a research task.
Candidate must email their application to by 30th January 2014. Only short-listed candidates will be called in for interview. JOb Source:
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NTC GSM 3G Service - Call Tariff


Post Paid 3G Service

  • Subscription Charge:- Rs. 2,130.00 (Ownership Charge Rs. 1,130.00 & Credit limit Rs. 1,000.00)
  • Monthly Charge :- Rs. 300.00 (free Voice or SMS or GPRS worth monthly charge)
  • Usage Charge (Voice call, SMS, VMS, CRBT) :- As with existing 2G Service charges
  • Video Call Charges :- Rs. 2.00 per minute
  • MMS Charge :- Rs. 1.50 per MMS

Prepaid 3G Service

  • Subscription
    Subscription Charge : Rs. 200/- (Includes Ownership Charge & Talk Time)
    Talk time worth Rs 100/- is included in Subscription Charge
    3G Activation Charge : Rs 100/- (for 2G users)

  • Usage Charge (Voice call, SMS, VMS, CRBT) :- As with existing 2G Service charges
  • Video Call Charges :- Rs. 2.00 per minute
  • MMS Charge :- Rs. 1.5 per MMS
  • Validity Periond - 9 Months
For both 2G and 3G services, GPRS (Internet) Data Rate/ Video Streaming Charges - Rs. 0.10/100 Kb

Pre-Paid Subscription Charges
Rs. 200.00

 Validation Period of Pre-Paid Recharge Card :-

Card Type
Validation Period
Rs. 100
60 Days
Rs. 200
140 Days
Rs. 500
360 Days
Rs. 1000
730 Days

Recharge Validity for MPoS

Card Type
Validation Period
Rs. 10
5 Days
Rs. 20
10 Days
Rs. 30
15 Days
Rs. 40
20 Days
Rs. 50
30 Days
Rs. 100
60 Days
Rs. 150
80 Days
Rs. 200
140 Days
Rs. 300
200 Days
Rs. 500
360 Days
Rs. 1000
730 Days

3. Calls Made from NT Mobile Service to Basic NT Phone and Mobile Services (except VSAT)

ATC (Air Time Charge) [Rupees /minute]
Peak Hour (06:00 to 22:00)
Off Peak Hour (22:00 to 06:00)
GSM Post-paid Sunday - Saturday
Rs. 1.00
Rs. 0.55
GSM Pre-paid
Sunday - Saturday
Rs. 1.50

4. International Call Charge (ISD)

  1. ISD charge from mobile is same as to
  2. Transborder Call to India thru mobile service is not available.

5. Domestic Roaming Charge (paid by Roamer)

Roaming  Charge 24 Hours
Incoming call from Nepal Telecom GSM/CDMA Mobile
Incoming call from Nepal Telecom PSTN/C-Phone
Incoming call from other operator's network

6. Short Message Service (SMS)

  1. Within Nepal Telecom Network = Re. 1/- per SMS
  2. International SMS = Rs. 5/- per SMS

7. Inter Operator Charge

* All above mentioned charges are exclusive of all applicable taxes of Nepal Government
All the content Copied From
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Result Published:- MHHM - II & IV, BTTS - I, III & V, M.Dev.S. - I & III, BSW - I & III and B.V.Sc & AH - II & IV of Purbanchal University


Pubanchal University has been result published following semester and faculties:

- Master in Hotel and Hospitality Management ( II and IV Semester)
- Bachelor of Travel and Tourism Studies(I, III and V Semester)

- Master Development Studies (I and III Semester)
- Bachelor of Social Work( I and III Semester)

- Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry (II and IV)

If you want to see your result please click below link and fill the serial number and registration number->

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Important tricks of your computer operate properly


Top tricks if your operate properly your computer using windows operating system.

Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert

 - Copy the highlighted text or selected item.

Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert

 - Paste the text or object that's in the clipboard.

Ctrl + Z and Ctrl + Y

 - Undo any change. For example, if you cut text, pressing this will undo it. This can also often be pressed multiple times to undo multiple changes. Pressing Ctrl + Y would redo the undo.

Ctrl + F

 - Open the Find in any program. This includes your Internet browser to find text on the current page.
Alt + Tab or Alt + Esc

Quickly switch between open programs moving forward.

Tip: Press Ctrl + Tab to switch between tabs in a program.

Tip: Adding the Shift key to Alt + Tab or Ctrl + Tab will move backwards. For example, if you are pressing Alt + Tab and pass the program you want to switch to, press Alt + Shift + Tab to move backwards to that program.

Tip: Windows Vista and 7 users can also press the Windows Key + Tab to switch through open programs in a full screenshot of the Window.
Ctrl + Back space and Ctrl + Left or Right arrow

Pressing Ctrl + Backspace will delete a full word at a time instead of a single character.

Holding down the Ctrl key while pressing the left or right arrow will move the cursor one word at a time instead of one character at a time. If you wanted to highlight one word at a time you can hold down Ctrl + Shift and then press the left or right arrow key to move one word at a time in that direction while highlighting each word.

Ctrl + S

  - While working on a document or other file in almost every program pressing Ctrl + S will save that file. This shortcut key should be used frequently anytime you're working on anything important.

Ctrl + Home or Ctrl + End

 - Move the cursor to the beginning or end of a document.

Ctrl + P
 - Print the page being viewed. For example, the document in Microsoft Word or the web page in your Internet browser.

Page Up, Space bar, and Page Down

 - Pressing either the page up or page down key will move that page one page at a time in that direction. When browsing the Internet pressing the space bar will also move the page down one page at a time. If you press Shift and the Space bar the page will go up a page at a time.

Tip: If you are using the space bar to go down one page at a time press the Shift key and space bar to go up one page at a time

Sources: and others site
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Job Vacancy->Senior Software Engineer / PHP - BrainDigit

As a Senior Software Engineer /PHP you will develop highly competitive and innovative applications. Due to your level of seniority, you will be handling bigger projects and more complex analysis work in the team, and you will support and guide more Junior team members. You will actively contribute to maintaining a good team spirit and quality team work. You will be responsible for delivering quality results on the projects, and in a timely and effective manner.

Job Responsibilities:

•    Solution Development and Delivery: analyze technical and functional design requirements; create efficient and logical databases; designs and codes superior technical solutions; identifies system deficiencies and recommends solutions.
•    Project Execution: communicate and enforce coding standards within their unit and across all relevant units (Design, Support, and Quality); prioritizes multiple tasks effectively; report and take action on critical issues that may affect the project.
•    Actively contribute to develop and improve the corporate knowledge base (best practices, knowledge sharing across the whole organization).
•    Relational Databases: analyze complex database concepts as well as the implications of different database designs; identify and apply the appropriate database design techniques.
•    Teamwork: proactively initiate, develop, and maintain effective working relationships with team members; demonstrate the ability to cooperate with a variety of people and achieve results; share acquired skills with team members through formal and informal channels.
•    Client Management: anticipate client needs before they arise and present solutions to project management that encompass issues at hand; analyze and manage client expectations and identify issues/events that may affect delivery.

Job requirements:

•    Bachelor in Computer Science (BE/B TECH, MCA or equivalent); Master degree in Computer Science is a big plus;
•    Demonstrated 2-3 years of work experience in web application development;
•    Expert knowledge of PHP programming;
•    Proficiencies in HTML and JQuery;
•    Knowledge of XML schemas and Open Source Web applications such as Joomla, WordPress, Magento;
•    Understands the benefits of the various programming languages such as Python, Ruby and Rails (ROR);
•    Significant knowledge of client server and internet systems architectures;
•    Knowledge of Object Oriented Programming (OOP);
•    Able to design reusable objects and to understands browser specific compatibility issues;
•    Able to deal handle sensitive information and to communicate tactfully.
•    Fluent in English.

How to Apply for this Job?

Please send your CV and a letter of motivation before 30 January 2014, to:

What BrainDigit Offer

BrainDigit offer an exciting, fun and friendly work environment along with several great benefits. At BRAINDIGIT, employees are encouraged to bring their innovative and creative ideas to work and to take up challenges. Everyone is given opportunities to learn and develop through knowledge sharing across the whole organization and a career growth plan that fits their ambition. If you want to join a committed and hard-working team and if you enjoy the energy of a startup environment, you'll thrive at BRAINDIGIT!

BrainDigit offices are located in Gyaneshwor and have parking space. All the content sourc from braindigit official site.
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Activation method of mobile internet in NCELL mobile user


Depending on your mobile device model capabilities, you can get connected to internet or download various items via different protocols (WAP, GPRS, EDGE).

You can use these services to surf the net, check your emails, use the handset as modem to connect wireless internet to your personal computer, MMS, chatting and downloading different applications.
All Ncell SIM cards already have mobile internet activated. In case, you need to activate manually, please follow any of the below procedures:

  • Type A and send SMS to 900224
  • Dial 900 and follow the instructions
  • Dial *100# and follow the instructions

Once activated, type ALL and send it to 9595. You will receive automatic settings for your phone. Save the settings and you are ready to surf.
In case, the automatic setting did not work, you will have to manually set the mobile internet.
Go to Settings menu of your mobile and then to the internet/mobile data/cellular/web settings and input the following information.

APN web
IP Address/ Proxy IP
Port 9201 (For WAP1)/ 8080 (For HTTP or WAP2)
Home page
Additionally, use the below settings for Android and most of the Chinese handsets.
Please note, all handsets do not support mobile internet facility.

To deactivate the mobile internet from your phone, follow any of the below procedures:
  1. Type R and send SMS to 900224
  2. Dial 900 and follow the instructions
  3. Dial *100# and follow the instructions
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NEPAL TELECOM to demonstrate FTTH service on Feb 5


Nepal Telecom (NT) is demonstrating its new project Fiber to the Home (FTTH) at its annual day celebration on February 5.

The state-owned telco is introducing the service to provide its customers the fastest Internet and other value added services including voice and television. It plans to launch the service to general public within mid-April.

Shyam Sundar Yadav, director of NT´s PSTN Directorate, said NT was installing equipment in 10 different places across the country. “We are planning to launch the fiber cable service in the areas under Sundhara, Chhauni, Naxal, Patan and Chabahil exchanges inside the Valley and areas under Biratnagar, Birgunj, Bharatpur, Butwal and Pokhara exchange outside the valley in the first phase,” Yadav said, adding that they were working to launch the service in these areas within mid-April.

NT is planning to slowly replace copper wires with optical fibers and expand the service across the country once it covers all the major cities.
As part of the FTTH project, NT has already completed the installation of optical fiber links to the exchanges.

According to NT officials, customers using the new service will be able to enjoy voice, high speed data and television through a single cable. However, NT will offer only the high speed Internet and voice services as it does not hold cable TV license.

Yadav said pilot project for FTTH conducted in Durbar Marg, Kamaladi and Thamel area in July last year was successful and that NT was currently working on the billing part.
Usually, FTTH can provide data at the speed of 100 Mbps.

NT, however, is yet to fix the data limit. At present, Internet service providers (ISP´s) are providing top speed of 15 Mbps only.
“We are working out tariff and installation charges for the new service,” Guna Keshari Pradhan, spokesperson of NT, said, adding that the service will be launched once the tariff and installation charges are approved.

Published on 2014-01-21 23:59:31(Repubilca Online)
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Company Introduction : F1Soft International( 51-200)


F1 soft is nepal's popular software company, ISO 9001: 2008 certified and Red Heading listed 2012 Asia Top 100 company. Recently FNCCI Service Excellence Award winner.

Company Profile

F1Soft International, an ISO Certified company, is one of the leading Companies for developing and deploying enterprise products on transaction banking. The Company was duly established in 2004 and has presence in Nepal, Singapore, Cambodia, India and Bangladesh.

F1Soft International has created an image of its own in the field of Software Development and IT related services through the course of its persistent effort for the last 8 years. The Company has built up an impressive list of clients, most of which comprises of leading Banks and financial Institutions, Corporate Houses, Industrial firms, Media Houses, Telecoms, Travel Agencies and other Organizations which bear a name in their field. 

F1Soft International has created a unique distributed structure, and steadily continues to expand its software development activities. We employ highly qualified and skilled software Engineers with in-depth understanding of transactional banking. In view of the quality and wide range of services as well as the growing number of Clients, F1Soft International stands out amongst numerous Software Companies. In this regard, we assure you that we do provide you with the security and operational framework that your organization requires.

F1 Soft wrote own website , own mission:


Be the most trusted provider of transaction banking products to Banks/ Financial Institutions and Telecoms in South Asia, South East Asia and Middle East by 2017.


Always ahead with innovative products

Core Values

FIRST- Focused, Innovative, Reliability, Social Responsibility, Team Spirit
Focused- We know that focus is highly essential in delivering/developing the class products/services and hence every member of the company remains focused.
Innovative- Innovation is the heart of F1Soft and every individual in the company is encouraged to come up with new ideas.
Reliability- Our promise to customers would not come true if our products and promises are not reliable enough to meet the international standards.
Social Responsibility- As a part of the society, we are concerned for the well being of everyone and not only f1Soft.
Team Spirit- We are fully aware of the strength of a team and synergy it creates for our common success.

Brand Promise

“F1Soft- Focused to Innovate”

Products of F1 Soft:
  • fonebank (Mobile Banking)   fonebank offers a new channel for providing banking services using available mobile services such as SMS, GPRS, WAP and USSD. continue reading
  • transbordertransborder is an online, real-time remittance processing system that is accessed through the internet. continue reading
  • fonepayfonepay is the network of the various mobile financial services facilitating interbank fund transfer, shared merchant payment with customer sharing and utility bill payments. continue reading
  • BANKexBANKex provides users an alternative to conduct banking activities from their homes and offices through internet. continue reading

F1 Soft services

1.  Mobile Application    
2.  SMS123go!    
3.  Web Design and Development     
4.  Airtime Transfer

F1 soft  has main client is bank and finance company and other corporate house and also work with international client.

Contact Addresses

F1Soft International
F1 Soft International Pvt. Ltd.
#26-04, International Plaza,
10, Anson Road,
Tel:  +65-61006651
Fax: +65-67258438    

F1 Soft International Pvt. Ltd.
Hattisar -1, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977-1-4442435/4424743
F1 Soft International (Cambodia) Co. Ltd.
#6B, Street 610, Sangkat Beoungkok II,
Khan Toulkok
Tel: +855 23 88 5553
Mobile: +855 68 998 999    

F1 Soft International Pvt. Ltd.
6, MG Road, Mittal Tower, Banglore

Facebook Linkedin Twitter 

If you want to Join with F1 Soft, Don't forget to apply current vacancies:

All the content source from F1 Soft official site.

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Highest Paying Companies for Software Engineers


Glassdoor's 25 Highest Paying Companies for Software Engineers.

The following infographic shows the top 25 companies and average base salaries.

The following graphic shows software engineering and hiring by region.

 The results show companies who not only provide excellent salaries, they have great cultures as well.

Courtesy: and
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New Features in Android 4.4 KitKat


Android 4.4 KitKat

Your branding

Consistency has its place in Android, but you also have the flexibility to customize the look of your app to reinforce your brand.
Use your brand color for accent by overriding the Android framework's default blue in UI elements like checkboxes, progress bars, radio buttons, sliders, tabs, and scroll indicators.
Show your app's launcher icon and name in the action bar so that users can see it in every screen of your app.
Your Branding highlights these and other pointers on how to incorporate elements of your brand into your app's visual language — highly encouraged!

Touch feedback

Before Android KitKat, Android's default touch feedback color was a vibrant blue. Every touch resulted in a jolt of high-contrast color, in a shade that might not have mixed well with your brand's color(s).
In Android KitKat and beyond, touch feedback is subtle: when something is touched, by default its background color slightly darkens or lightens. This provides two benefits: (1) sprinkles of encouragement are more pleasant than jolts, and (2) incorporating your branding is much easier because the default touch feedback works with whatever hue you choose. Check the updated Touch Feedback page for more details.

Full screen

Android KitKat has improved support for letting your app use the entire screen, with a few different approaches to meet the varying needs of apps and content. The new Full Screen page will guide you in setting the stage for deep user engagement.


The updated Gestures page covers new and updated gestures introduced in Android KitKat: double touch drag and double touch. These gestures are used for changing the viewing size of content.


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Solution: How to use your pendrive as your system RAM?


1. Insert your pen-drive. Let your PC read it. Make sure to delete all the stuff on it first.(Minimum 2 GB)

2 .Right click on My Computer.
3. Click on Advanced tab.
4.Click on Settings under Performance.
5.Click on Advanced tab.
6.Click on Change button under Virtual memory.
7.Select your USB drive.
8.Click on custom size radio button and give the values as follows;
  • Initial Size:1020
  • Maximum size:1020
  • The size depends upon your free memory capacity of your pen drive. So you can change this limit according to your pen drive size.
9.Click on Set button, then click on OK.
10. Now you have to restart the computer with pen-drive inserted. The speed of your computer will be increased.  

Note for Remember:
  • If you are using Windows 7. Start by doing steps 1 and 2, but then a different window will pop up. Just click "Advanced system settings" on the sidebar and continue the steps.
  • You must be logged in as Administer to do this task.


  • Do not remove the USB. It'll crash your system.
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Ten Most Richest Tech person in 2013


photo source:
Forbes listed top ten richest in Technology, Bill gates  own of microsoft capture the first place and Charles Ergen stay in 10th position.In top 10 facebook's owner mark zuckerberg, google's owner larry-page , Oracle's owner Larry Ellison also listed.


1. Bill Gates

Net Worth: $72 billion
Bill Gates remains atop The Forbes 400, a perch he's held since 1994, despite giving away $28 billion, most of it to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He's also again the world's richest person, having reclaimed that title from Mexico's Carlos Slim earlier this year. Shares of Microsoft jumped in late August on news that Steve Ballmer will step down as CEO, but Gates will remain chairman of the software company he cofounded in 1975 with Paul Allen. His stake in Microsoft represents less than a fifth of his fortune.

2. Larry Ellison

Net Worth: $41 billion
Little gets in the way of Larry Ellison's ambition--or mouth. In an August TV ­interview, the Oracle founder said that Apple's best days are behind it after the passing of close friend Steve Jobs and that Google's alleged infringement on Oracle's patents in its Android software was "absolutely evil." Ellison collects houses on Malibu's Carbon Beach and also owns of 98% of Hawaii's Lanai island. In his quest for youth he has donated $445 million to his medical foundation to support research on aging and age-related diseases.

3. Jeff Bezos

Net Worth: $27.2 billion founder and CEO Jeff Bezos shocked the world in August 2013 when he bought himself a new toy: the storied 136-year-old newspaper The Washington Post. The $250 million purchase launched fevered speculation about what insights an exemplary disrupter like Bezos might have about the troubled print media business. Meanwhile, despite operating at basically zero profit in recent quarters, Amazon stock peaked over $300 for the first time in July 2013, with investors increasingly bullish about the online behemoth's potential as the go-to site for online shopping. It reported 2013 second-quarter sales of $15.7, up 22% from the year prior. 

4. Larry Page

Net Worth: $24.9 billion
Google co-founder Larry Page  added $4.6 billion to his fortune in the past year. Shares of the search juggernaut are up nearly 50% since he took over as CEO in April 2011. Lately he has been deflecting intense scrutiny on Google and other online services over accusations that they supplied the U.S. government with users' data through the previously secret PRISM program. Page wrote in his blog: "Press reports that suggest that Google is providing open-ended access to our users' data are false, period."

5. Sergey Brin

Net Worth: $24.4 billion
Sergey Brin lets Larry Page run the Mountain View, Calif.-based search giant while he oversees its secretive Google X division, dedicated to breakthrough ideas like driverless cars and Glass, the augmented-reality spectacles he wears everywhere. He had a cameo in Google-inspired Hollywood flick The Internship. The company's soaring stock price led to a $4.1 billion jump in Brin's net worth since last September.  News broke in August that he and his wife of six years, Anne Wojcicki, are splitsville and that Brin is involved with a Google employee.

6. Mark Zuckerberg

Net Worth: $19 billion
Mark Zuckerberg foiled doubters with a strong return to the Top 20 of The Forbes 400. Thanks to strong mobile ad growth, shares of Facebook have more than doubled in the past year, helping to erase the sting of the company's botched IPO in May 2012. The hoodie-wearing CEO expanded his influence beyond Silicon Valley with lobbying group, which advocates for immigration reform and technology education.

7. Steve Ballmer

Net Worth: $18 billion
Steve Ballmer is throwing in the towel. Microsoft's CEO since 2000 has been pilloried in the press for years for a lack of strategic focus and letting Apple and Google run off with the mobile future. But Ballmer had just been doing what he's always done best: Sell wildly profitable software to businesses around the globe. Microsoft has generated more than $120 billion in profit and $80 billion in dividends since he took over, yet its long-suffering shareholders have been treated to a negative 17.6% return. The news was a surprise to many because in July, Ballmer issued with a 2,700-word memo outlining a big reorganization and focus on building "devices and services that provide compelling, integrated experiences across the many screens in our lives, with maximum return to shareholders."

8. Michael Dell

Net Worth: $15.9 billion
After months locked in battle with activist investor Carl Icahn, PC entrepreneur Michael Dell won shareholder approval of his final $24.9 billion offer to take his eponymous company private in what will be the biggest leveraged buy-out in recent years. The Texan, who started the PC maker in his dorm room 29 years ago and remains Chairman and CEO, believes pulling out of the public markets will help Dell shift from a struggling personal computer business into a business software giant.

9. Paul G. Allen

Net Worth: $15.8 billion
Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen owns only an estimated $2 billion in the software outfit's stock but is still bullish on technology. His Vulcan group just opened a venture capital office in Silicon Valley, investing in online retailer Gilt Groupe and a cloud-software firm. In late 2012 he sold a 12-building campus in Seattle to Amazon, which was leasing the space, for $1.15 billion. He owns the Seattle Seahawks and Portland Trailblazers. With his band, The Underthinkers, he just released country-rock album Everywhere At Once.

10 . Charles Ergen

Net Worth: $12.5 billion
Entrepreneur Charles Ergen entered the satellite-TV business in the 1980s, just as the industry was set to explode. Although Dish Network and Echostar, the two companies he controls, are still profit machines, he foresees a day when consumers get all their video content over the Internet or through high-speed mobile. A $25.5 billion bid for Sprint Nextel in April concluded with Ergen coming up empty-handed. His net worth is up $3.5 billion from a year ago due to a 40% climb in Dish Network stock.

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Vacancy for Project Manager (PM) - Leapfrog Technology Inc.



Job Summary:

Project Manager (PM) applies professional principles, practices and techniques to lead project teams and control project schedule to ensure client satisfaction. In this role, one will oversee all the aspects of project lifecycle from analysis, design, to implementation by developing proper project plans; and maintaining documentation as when needed. PM will work as an agile product owner, basically acting as a proxy to customers and will be responsible to thoroughly understand and deliver client expectations.

Job Responsibilities:

  • Play a role of Agile Product Owner.
  • Responsible for requirement building, backlog prioritization, sprint planning, release, daily standup meetings, reviews and overall execution.
  • Responsible for maintaining Quality Assurance and Control in accordance to project requirements.
  • Responsible for establishing clear ownership of project tasks, ensuring every team member has the required tool & support needed, and providing timely feedback.
  • Set clear expectations, provide needed autonomy to team members, time monitor the progress and give recognition for results.
  • Encourage, motivate and coordinate all team members for synergic result.
  • Cooperate with all team members of Leapfrog Technology along with Human Resource and Administration.

Skills and Knowledge Requirements:

  • Sound Knowledge and experience on Project Management tools and procedures.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills - both English and Nepali.
  • Knowledge and experience of Agile development methodologies.
  • Leadership Skills - highly pro-active, self motivated, self-organized, decision-maker, committed and an excellent team player.

Other Requirements:

Candidate should be either Information Technology/Engineering graduate or MBA graduate from reputed university with minimum of 2 years of team management/project mgmt. experience in IT Company.
Interested professionals/candidates who meets the above criteria are highly encouraged to apply for the position by submitting your updated CV via email at:

Official :
About Leapfrog
Leapfrog Team
7 Reasons to Join Leapfrog
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KU signed MoU with Land Management Training Centre (LMTC) of Ministry of Land Reform and Management (MOLRM)

KU signed MoU with Land Management Training Centre (LMTC) of Ministry of Land Reform and Management (MOLRM), to run Master in Land Administration program in the Department of Civil & Geomatics Engineering (DCGE), KU. 
Prof. Dr. Bhola Thapa, Registrar, KU, and Mr. Kalyan Gopal Shrestha, Executive Director, LMTC, signed the MoU on behalf of their respective organizations. 
The event took place in a program attended by Associate Deans of School of Engineering (SoE), Acting Head of DCGE, Head of Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Coordinators, faculties of Geomatics program and administration staffs of SoE, DCGE as well as Directors and staffs from LMTC and MOLRM.
In his remarks, Prof. Dr. Bhola Thapa emphasized effective implementation of MoU and pointed out the ways for a successful collaboration between KU and LMTC. Similarly, Mr. Kalyan Gopal Shrestha expressed his commitment for strengthening collaborations between KU and LMTC under this MoU.

Prof. Dr. Ramesh Kumar Maskey, Associate Dean (Academic and Administrative Affairs), SoE, expressed warm  welcome to all the participants of the ceremony and highlighted some of the previous milestones in the DCGE at KU in collaboration with LMTC. Similarly, Prof. Dr. Bim Prasad Shrestha, Associate Dean (Research and Development), SoE, gave vote of thanks to all the participants  and highlighted the research and development activities to be carried out for promoting Geomatics Education at KU. 

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Mobile coverage of Nepal Telecom


Mobile Coverage

Below are the list of Operational BTS (Sites) in different regions of the Country

Eastern Region
Site Name District  
Site Name District
Dhankuta Dhankuta  
Kanchanpur Saptari
Fikkal Ilam  
Rajbiraj Sapatari
Ilam Ilam  
Lahan Siraha
Damak Jhapa  
Mirchaya Siraha
Birtamod Jhapa  
Siraha Siraha
Bhadrapur Jhapa  
Duhabi Sunsari
Dhulabari Jhapa  
Itaharicorner Sunsari
Biratnagar Morang  
Itahari Micro Sunsari
Rangeli Morang  
Dharan Sunsari
Keshaliya Morang  
Ratnamarga Sunsari
Jyotimarga Morang  
Inaruwa Sunsari
Belbari Morang  
Gaighat  Udayapur

Central Region
Site Name District  
Site Name District
Simara Bara  
Dhading Dhading
Amlekhgunj Bara  
Janakpur Dhanusa
Parwanipur Bara  
Dhalkebar Dhanusa
KalaiyaI Bara  
KTM Valley KTM Valley
Nijgadh Bara  
Jaleswor Mahotari
Tandi Chitwan  
Hetauda Makawanpur
Ramnagar Chitwan  
Manahari Makawanpur
Rampur Chitwan  
Bastipur Makawanpur
Bharatpur Chitwan  
Birgunj Parsa
Narayanghat Chitwan  
CNpur Rautahat
Mungling Chitwan  
Nigahapur Rautahat
Bhandara Chitwan  
Gaur Rautahat
Naubise Dhading  
Karmaiya Sarlahi
Malekhu Dhading  
Malangawa Sarlahi
Benighat Dhading  
Lalbandi Sarlahi

Western Region
Site Name District  
Site Name District
Baglung Baglung  
Beni Myagdi
Manakamana Gorkha  
Parasi Nawalparasi
Gorkha Gorkha  
Palpa Palpa
Taulihawa Kapilbastu  
Tansen Palpa
Chanauta Kapilbastu  
Kusma Parbat
Krishnanagar Kapilbastu  
Lumbini Rupandehi
Mahendrapul Kaski  
Bhairahawa Rupandehi
Hallanchowk Kaski  
Manglapur Rupandehi
Lamagaon Kaski  
Butwal Rupandehi
Prithvichowk Kaski  
Syangja Syangja
Pardi Kaski  
Jamunne Tanahu
Rithepani Kaski  
Khairenitar Tanahu
Gagangaunda Kaski  
Damauli Tanahu
PHK Telecom Kaski  
Dumre Tanahu
Pokhara Kaski  
Abukhaireni Tanahu
Gharmi Kaski  

Mid - Western Region
Site Name District  
Site Name District
Kohalpur Banke  
Guleria Bardia
Nepalgunj Banke  
Surkhet Surkhet
Karkado Banke  

Far - Western Region
Site Name District  
Mahendranagar Kanchanpur  
Ataria Kailali  
Dhangadi Kailali  

BTS installed Sites in Kathmandu Valley
  1. Airport
  2. Anamnagar
  3. Bagdol
  4. Bakundol
  5. Balaju Chowk
  6. Balkhu
  7. Balkumari Temple
  8. Baluwatar
  9. Banepa
  10. Baphal
  11. Bhadrakali
  12. Bhaisepati
  13. Bhaktapur1
  14. Bishal Nagar
  15. Bouddha
  16. Buddha Nagar
  17. Budhanilkantha
  18. Chabahil
  19. Chandol
  20. Chhauni
  21. Chinese Embassy
  22. Chokhel
  23. Chuchhepati
  24. Crystal Hotel
  25. Dallu Awas
  26. Dhapasi
  27. Dhobichaur
  28. Dhulikhel
  1. Dhumbarahi
  2. Dillibazar1
  3. Dillibazar2
  4. Gairidhara
  5. Gairigaon
  6. Gausala
  7. Godawari
  8. Gongabu
  9. Gyaneswore
  10. Harisiddhi
  11. Hattisar
  12. Imadol
  13. Indrayani
  14. Jaisidewal
  15. Jawalakhel
  16. Jhonchhe
  17. Jorpati
  18. Kalanki chowk
  19. Kalikasthan
  20. Kalopul
  21. Kanibahal
  22. Kantipath
  23. Kapan
  24. Kindol
  25. Kingsway
  26. Kirtipur
  27. Koteshwor
  28. Kuleshwor
  1. Kumaripati
  2. Lagankhel
  3. Lazimpat
  4. Maharajgunj
  5. Maitidevi
  6. Makkhan
  7. Man Bhawan
  8. Mangal Bazar
  9. Minbhawan
  10. Milan Chowk
  11. Nagadesh Thimi
  12. Nagarkot
  13. Naikap
  14. Naradevi
  15. Nagarjun
  16. Naxal
  17. Nayabazar
  18. NEA Off Ratna Park
  19. New Baneswore
  20. NSD
  21. Oldbaneswor
  22. Pachali Bhairab
  23. Panauti
  24. Panipokhari
  25. Patan Dhoka
  26. Pharping
  27. Pulchowk
  28. Rabi Bhawan
  29. Raniban
  1. Ranjana Hall
  2. RB Bank
  3. Samakhusi
  4. Samakhusl Chowk
  5. Sanga
  6. Sankhamul Chowk
  7. Sankhu
  8. Satdobato
  9. Siddartha Banasthali
  10. Sifal
  11. Silandole
  12. Sinamangal
  13. Singha Durbar
  14. Sorakhutte
  15. Stadium
  16. Sundhara
  17. Thamel Newa Kitchen
  18. Thamel
  19. Thankot Balambu
  20. Thecho
  21. Thimi1
  22. Thimi2
  23. Tilangatar
  24. Tilganga
  25. Tinkune
  26. TTC
  27. Tyauda
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